
title xde kene mengena ngn content..

So,skang ni hendak:-

1)Member2 yg bleh ajak borak dr mlm smpai pagi.
2)member yg ble main,main ngn spenuh hati,ble study,study dngn spenuh hati..haahaa
3)Buat bnda2 yg best.
4)G jalan2.
5)Beli ape yg patut dibeli.
6)Berhenti lengah2kn kerja..
7)3 pointer and above!haaha!
8)Hbiskan cuti sem dngn bnda yg brmakne,.
9)Tp sbelum 2,blik mlake dlu la!hahah

p/s:duhhh~asal kbelakangan ni asik dngr lagu2 yg slow ey?haha

The beautiful game

There's this thing that rocks my world...N,that is,


EVentho my fav team got a draw against sunderland that day (a draw that is not even deserved),i was amazed by this,

Now dont get me wrong,i am juz an admirer of arsenal,.
Van Persie n Arshavin goal was class,but Fabregas goal,u wont see lots of those.It is so special..hehe

Well,i totally miss the rivalries between united n arsenal back then in the late 90's n early 00's.
The sight of keane strangling vieira during a match n lots more.Now,its gone,ever since pires,henry,vieira,keown and parlour left or quit arsenal..Huhu



Fuck of a fun,tiring day,going around and..........A JERK

Woke up at 9am today by a call frm my friend..hahaha damn,
but whatever it is,wont mind for a friend..hehe

K,the thing is ,
he called me 2 ask me follow him goin 2 workshop..
he wanted 2 re-make his dad old car from a scratch..Now thats,interesting?..hehe
It gonna cost him probably 10k n the car will look brand new again...
Im telling ya,the car is still running,but the condition is,only god knows..
Thank god the air-cond n engine is still okay..

Basically,the thing i did today from 9 to 5 was,

1.Waited at that workshop.

2.Drove my fren to perodua showroom n bought his dad a new car so he can take d older 1.
3.Drove back to the workshop.Waited for the car again frm 1pm to 3pm.(i still can sleep at the workshop)hahaha
4.Head to another shop 2 repair the windshield n window.
5.Then 5 o'clock back to my beloved HOMETOWN..YEAH!!!haha
6.Oh yea,sum crazy old man came n talk 2 me as i was stepping out frm a 7e.N he said,HAI,but not w/out wif his mindblowing hand gestures..hahaha

Then here comes the darkness of the night,we r supposed to jam at 8pm.

So,here come this jerk,who sadly turn out as our drummer,said he cannot make it at 8 coz he got some "important business" as wat he said so we changed to 11pm.I wont mind goin at 11,but pity my fren coz he said he need a rest also bcoz his tickets is at 9pm back to kulim the next morning.So,there u go,come 11pm,he havent showed up,n till the time i wrote this post,he havent showed up i know for SURE..

,u didnt even know we already got a new drummer long b4 today n planning 2 replace u...HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Hey folks...(as if they r folks who read my blog)hahaha
er,now i wanna talk bout u all know,most ppl demanded 2 b respected in their life..
Well,the problem is,i do think that respect do cost a portion of bondness among friends,of course..

I do demand respect frm the peeps around me,BUT.There's always a big BUT in everything.right?hehe

My point is,when sum1 respected u too much,there will b a problem..Now,not many people sees this but,I DO SAW IT..haha

For example,my homeboys,i dun even know for what reason they respected me too much.Not that i want to boast bout it but,it do cost fondness among us..hehe Im really close with them btw,but sumting is lacking in there..Take one for example..

Over here,we have quite a violent tradition in which we will pull our friend hair as hard as we can and we will ask them to do whatever we wanted and they will do it no matter how embarassing it is..They will ask u to shake hand wif evry1 who is there n kiss their hand,kneel down on the road,KISS THE ROAD,make dog sounds,make police salute A LOT OF TIMES,read the friday prayer speech n such things.Man,that is really funny...huhu


Now dun get me wrong,im not going crazy or anything..
But 1 guy started pulling the hair of another person,in a matter of seconds camera will be flashing all over to record it..haha
I know it hurts,but u still can laugh in pain..N when u look at the recording again,you will laugh ur arse off by seeing how ugly u look n ur face xpression while withstanding the pain endured...hahaha

The point is,when ppl respect u too much,they wont play a prank on u,hurt u or anything,so w/out all those thing,there's not much for u 2 laugh at when u r walking down the memory lane..huhhu


Was scrolling thru the files and,

I found this!a convo i save quite sumtime ago with a fren who wish 2 remain anonymous due 2 her revealing nature in this convo..hehe

shahrolemazwan: i 4got ady k

*****: what?
*****: blweek
*****: rememebr them!
shahrolemazwan: k2
shahrolemazwan: i will try
shahrolemazwan: hahaa
shahrolemazwan: btw
*****: ?
shahrolemazwan: i gonna go offline ady
shahrolemazwan: ahahha
shahrolemazwan: u wanna me ask him his fb or sumting
shahrolemazwan: so u 2 can make things ryte again?
*****: NO NEED
*****: i never wanna contact with him!

*****: ewww
shahrolemazwan: chill la k
shahrolemazwan: hahaha
*****: i want rm80 from him to go shopping
*****: ask him for it :P
shahrolemazwan: u look so cute wen u complain bout jerk
shahrolemazwan: hahaa
shahrolemazwan: hey
shahrolemazwan: i like ur profile pic la
shahrolemazwan: at ym i mean
shahrolemazwan: hahaha
shahrolemazwan: u look awesome k
shahrolemazwan: n funny
shahrolemazwan: hahaha
*****: shuddup
*****: insult sial!
*****: hahaha.
shahrolemazwan: no k
shahrolemazwan: honestly telling
shahrolemazwan: haha
*****: i wanna go rock jamming this week
shahrolemazwan: btw
*****: and create a song about jerks
shahrolemazwan: haha
shahrolemazwan: lets go!
shahrolemazwan: btw
*****: wat btw all??
shahrolemazwan: i wanna go offline ady
shahrolemazwan: btw
shahrolemazwan: i wanna switch off my ym
shahrolemazwan: btw
shahrolemazwan: u r ***** ryte?
*****: btw
shahrolemazwan: ****** *** *** ****?
*****: btr
*****: btw
*****: btw
*****: btw
*****: btw
*****: btw
*****: btw
shahrolemazwan: =))
*****: send jerk my warmest boxes!
*****: :p
shahrolemazwan: ur warmest boxer?
shahrolemazwan: k!
shahrolemazwan: haha
*****: NOO!
*****: EWWW
*****: NOOOO
*****: i wanna eat a&w
shahrolemazwan: aiyer
shahrolemazwan: wat la u
shahrolemazwan: say u hate him
*****: pls no contact with him
shahrolemazwan: now wanna giv him ur warmest boxer
*****: unless u gimme rm80
*****: EWWWWW
shahrolemazwan: sounds so hawt k
shahrolemazwan: ahaha
*****: shuddup
*****: aahah
*****: NO
*****: ew
*****: he hates me k
shahrolemazwan: hahaha
shahrolemazwan: he wanna eat u la
shahrolemazwan: sounds so hawt
shahrolemazwan: hahaha
shahrolemazwan: hey
shahrolemazwan: hey
*****: EAT?
*****: he wanna eat me??
shahrolemazwan: it sounds so hawt k
shahrolemazwan: haha
*****: EW
*****: u made tat up@
*****: EW
shahrolemazwan: now u feel like puking?
shahrolemazwan: jnajaj
shahrolemazwan: hahaa
shahrolemazwan: hey~
shahrolemazwan: listen 2 me la
shahrolemazwan: swt la u
*****: YESS
*****: what?
shahrolemazwan: btw,
shahrolemazwan: i wanna go offline ady
shahrolemazwan: haha
*****: OKIE
shahrolemazwan: btw
*****: nightssss
shahrolemazwan: i wanna save this convo
shahrolemazwan: n put at blog
shahrolemazwan: haha
*****: WAHT FOR?
*****: NOO
*****: EWW
shahrolemazwan: k2
shahrolemazwan: hehe
*****: :p
shahrolemazwan: sure2
shahrolemazwan: im a man of truth k
*****: noooooo
*****: dun blog it k
*****: or
shahrolemazwan: i will!
shahrolemazwan: haha
*****: i will expose ur secrets
*****: NOOO!!
*****: dont'
*****: i won't talk to u >:P
shahrolemazwan: now beg 2 me if u dun wan me do it
shahrolemazwan: hehe
*****: >:p

*The part highlighted in red is my fav..muahahahahaha sorry anonymous friend~

Cars and cars and cars n cars...urghhhhhhhh!

So,today brought my fren who planning on buying a 92 civic.He said bring him to survey a car n i asked,WHAT CAR?he said honda ferio n my reaction was like,DAMN,I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED THAT CAR..

So,for most of us car fans,the car is like a real beauty..Not that nice as a stock car,but when u modified it,i will be its admirer...heheeehehe

Not That N.I.C.E aint it?

How's that?haha But this is not exactly the same car as above,this is a newer generation of civic,i prefer this 1 tho..

Gotta Love The Headlight man!

BUT!The mother of all honda beauty goes to!!!

This 1,

HONDA S2000,
Ran across 1 at sunway that day,i love it to death..huhu

The front view,

Well,who doesnt love it? :p


Haha...finals juz finished...But pity sum of my fren who havent finish their papers yet...

This has been a tiring week,sleep for 2 hours only every single day until ysterday...cant u believe i woke up half way from my sleep,thinking bout exam on the next morning?haha thats how powerful the effects of final in ur life..glad its all over alrdy..Now its holiday,but for me,holiday is dull bcoz u wont b going back anywhere,unlike friends from other place,They certainly hav their own hometown to go back to..huhu :(

Will update soon,still havent settle my sleeping debt yet..Promise u,i wont let the sleeping debt bcome a bad debt.,..myahahahahaah!until now,bye!n for my fellow mmu frens,


Zaman2 Form 6

Haha.. memg xleh cakap ape la kan.. sejujurnye time form 6 dlu memg main2 gle sbb masuk pun atas dasar paksaan dan bla3. So,nak jadikan cite,aku epul mamat iera cheryl ct pian din sume2 ex smk malim masuk f6.. snang cite bile aku pndg classmate aku da rase mcm kt smk malim la plak.. Apadaaaaaa~

Huhu.. kat situ la aku jmpe farah anis dayah amy john razman hardee fana dan lain2..

Farah=girls who can talk fluent chinese anis=the timid gals yg most of the time malu2 dayah=jap lg ade cite pasl dia..haha tungguuu amy=gangster a.k.a bff kpd dayah john=he's standing at 6 feet++ tall,weighing in at 100+kg(imagine how gigantic he is) razman=playboy hardee=blagak poyo n kewl most of the time fana=yg pelik?sbb style dia ckp kot..haha

the reason aku wat post ni adelah sbb td bru lpas lepak ngn member2 lame form6 n borak2 balik pasl knangan lame kt sane..haha memg walking down the memory lane ah td..aiseh~

So,cite2 yg tkeluar td adelah,

1.Memori mase kat kem jpa.Sbg student f6,kteorg dipakse menayangkan seniority kteorg dgn mnjadi ketua kpd2 jpa member yg lain2..haha Memg klaka gle ah sbb kteorg pun mcm xikhlas je..So,dengan preparation yg xsberape,dan determination yg mcm sampah,kteorg pun g la camping state level..Nak dijadikan cite lg,aku john n hardee kne masuk pertandingan memadamkan kbakaran...Dahla mase competition day kteorg wat main2,xikhlas,hati panas,tau2 dpt jd champion..hahaha!team2 lain sume bebulu ngn kteorg..G la mampos,ape aku heran..hoho Tp memg best ar kem 2 dpt kenal2 ngn awek2 cun..hehe

2.Lpas 2 kuar lak cite mase mamat ngn epul kne buang sekolah sbb 3 minggu xmsuk kelas..haha Bodo gle kne pancing ngn awek klas dia lpas 2 tau2 kne tangkap ngn hussin n jalani.Dahla tangkap style polis..huhu

3.Lpas 2 plak kluar cite pasl kutuk cikgu kimia.Memg bangang..haha mule2 kteorg fav student ckgu kimia,tau2 da 2 bulan jd student yg pling dia benci..Tau2 jela apesal kan..

4.N time last mase nak raye bleh lak main baling2 mercun kt dlm kelas..haha pas2 kne kejar ngn cikgu disiplin 1 skolah..Nasib bek lepas..Kalo x da kne buang skolah mcm mamat..hehe

5.Pas2 tringat plak ,argh!malas nak tulis lg ar..hahaha

Btw,ni adelah muke ckgu kimia yg aku ckp 2..

=.=" ?haha

N last but not the least,i love my high school days..This picture is frm the last day of high school,.Ac2ually i've been missing all of them a lot!

Love u all guys!

I love this week.(no,im not actually)..haha

K,dat day after class on monday,me n this person,

OMG,wat a fiery n evil stare aint it?hahaa
(note that the soft green color is used to cover up the red used in anger)

So,2 knock the ball rolling, we head up to jusco for breaking fast,BUT NOT B4 we catch a movie first..haha

So,we wtched,IMAGINE THAT starred by eddie murphy kot?
I 4got the name of tat fella..

The show was quite okay,funny,..
Imagine ur 7 year old daughter that has a wild imagination n fantasy..haha
N she had a lot of imaginary friends..

So,after the movie,we str8way head 2 kfc 4 breaking fast..haha
damn,kfc reli made me full..

Had a dinner plate n cheesy wedges,wich i bet every1 will love it..hehe

So ,there u go,after eating while i was running my routine every time after i eat,bump into a lots of mmu student,n sum of it r my classmates too,n SARAH EX-BF,who very much looks like a rock star..haha

P/s:Sarah,he dump u alrdy k,y u still need 2 giv him ur warmest tickles?hahaa

Btw,need 2 sbmit 3 assignment for this week,namely accounts,stats n maths..
We manage 2 do the analysis of financial report in 1 day..HAHA!

So,need 2 pass up stats n maths for 2moro..
a gr8 burden lift off the shoulder i guess..
The only thing left now is the pen 0035 drama n FINAL!

Hope the final wont be my final destination..hehe

P/s:mind the smiley ya,haha
Its for u!

Nice pic at fb..Credit to afiq omar..

wavy highway?haha joyce said it looks scary

OLD TV..really classic

Did u noe that topman originated frm mlc?haha
This pic is resized bcoz its small..
Dats y it doesnt looks nice

SURIA KLCC..Jz bear wif this jumping being at the middle...haha

Lim Kok Wing compound

The Red Squirrel

Sumwhere over the North-South Highway

Sunset At Umbai..

P/s:Owner of this picture's fb is

Absolutely Vodkaless

Ok,so basically this posts has got nothing to do wif d pic above..haha

2 start it of,i was like damn lazy 2 update for this past weeks..hahah!
i juz cant find the inspiration for me 2 write..such a cow..

OKie,enuf wif d cow thingy..hahah!

lots of stupid things happen this week..
1 of my accounts classmate actually told me sumting bout h1n1.the conversation was like this:

Random Dude:8 cases here in school alrdy ryte?n 10 case they will close down school ryte?
Me:Yea,i tink so,maybe..
Random Dude:U noe man,my fren n i was thinking that maybe we would get sick so that the campus will be closed.
Me:WTF man!that is nonsense aite.
Random Dude:No man,im serious,i hate studying.
Me:(Puffing cigs) I was wondering,how did the lecturer noes u?
Random Dude:Bcoz i once went into her class while i was drunk.N i was still drinking when i got into the class.
Me:my god man,wat did she do?
Random Dude:She didnt do anything,i was so drunk that time then i lit up a cigs in class.Then she suddenly realize it n ask who smokes..hahaha

Ok,this dude is stupid..hahaha..No wonder he extended for a long time.

N today i watch fatso play guitar.I tried the fender at their house,i wanted to c the ibanez actually.But,nevertheless,he is damn awesome..
No wonder he can make money by teaching people...haha
As his idol does:-

*He can make guitar talks



P/s:Im giving up on certain people.Let them be..

Im Missing


Friend that is trying 2 convince ppl that he is ur gay partner..

Friend that is mentally retarded.(he say ketchup is a syrup)
Friend that can look at u for hour n the next hour,he still doing the same thing..
Friends that can be easily bullied n pranked..haha
Friend that can get emo-fied for no reason n laugh the next second..hehe
Friend that can make funny faces all the time.
Friend that look as fierce as a lion n unfriendly,but gives the best advice when u asking.
Friend that can annoy u by asking same questions a lot of time.
Friend that can annoy u by juz smiling at u..haha
Friend that has face full of scars yet the best buds..
Friend that will point his fist 2 u if u didnt eat or drink wat he bought for u.
Friend that always teased u in a good way but now avoiding each other.
Friend that always say they have other stuff to do when u ask them 2 meet up or go sumwhere.
Friend that always gone missing..huhu

So,basically,this is the ppl dat i've been missing..haha
So long!

Why juz sum ppl cant?

Was at my frens house d other day,talking wif other friends..
N suddnly,
Heard a loud shout from inside the house..
Turn out dat he n his gf is fighting n arguing on the phone.
Lots of harsh words n cursing was on the air..hehe
N it made me wonder..............

Why juz sum ppl cant:-

1)Appreciate that they r being loved and in a relationship when sum ppl is dying for it?
2)Solve argument when its juz a simple n tiny issues?
3)They be matured enuf n talk softly?
4)Give and take between each other?
5)Give freedom to their couple?
6)Learn that wif fighting,they might be single tomorrow or the very next seconds?
7)Tell what is neccessary n wat is unnecessary?
8)Learn to trust their couple?
9)Remember how hard it is for them when they r starting the rlationship?

HAH!juz sum random thoughts frm me.cuz i jz dont get it.hehe
till next time..
off to a better good now..haha


Now the midterm break,peeps..



1)Sleep like hell for 2 or 3 days..
2)Onlining most of the time if im not sleeping.
3)Watching tv and dvd.
4)Hanging out wif friends.
5)Stay at friends place..haha
6)Be nice 2 my car..
7)Buy bus tickets back to mmu by the end of the break..hahaha!


The shaping up of life

Well,this is the 7th week of this trimester..
Next week is midterm break!!!!!!!!!!can go back to hometown!ahaha gotta go n get my bus tickets fast!(no meaning ac2ually)
2moro is midterm 4 accounts.. :-( sucksss!

Well,the thing that has been shaping up differently from the 1st week is:-

1)Turn out my mark for stats wasnt so sucks at is indeed satisfacting..haha
2)Made some new friends n contacts wif d freshies..haha!
3)Assliza has been teaching really good lately.
4)Met some awesome internationals who can undstand n speak malay.
5)gOT an awesome english lecturer,eventho sumtime she can b as fierce as a lion..hehe
6)Found sum long lost friends on fb.
7)Went to kl wif joyce to meet up wif sarah n vicky_GAYUNIT.
8)Been 2 cyber for the 1st time.
9)Bumped into sammy n yang tze diz afternoon,..AT lastt..haha
10)MAN UTD started their pre season tour n maintain a winning streak
thus far.. ;)

11)Having a second thought whether im gonna do my degree at cyber or mlc,..haizzz~
12)Turn out messy,beaver and simplest dressed gal was indeed damn friendly!haha
13)Start an affectionate love with dunhill..
14)Didnt bumped into an undesirable person,just yet..
15)My attendance for 8 o'clock class is now almost 100%..haha
16)Calling ppl who just wont wake up for morning class..ngeeee~
17)Skipping class collectively,as in numbers of ppl..hoho
18)Have a gud outing wif panda..haha
19)Develop my hatred 2wards plastic..haha thanks to dat 2 people.. :p
20)Old friends coming into mmu,,haha at last sum true malaccans!

P/S:Enjoying the AUDI CUP

Sumting that we guys hoped that u gurl would know..ahaha

1.If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
2.If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an
answer you don't want to hear.
3.Sunday = Sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the
tides. Let it be.
4.Shopping is not sport.
5.Anything you wear is fine. Really.
6.You have enough clothes.
7.You have too many shoes.
8.Don't fake it. We'd rather be ineffective than deceived.
9.If we don't look at other women, how can we know
how pretty you are?
10.You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want
it done- not both.
11.Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during
12.Sometimes, we are not thinking about you. Live with it.
13.Your ex-boyfriend is an idiot.
14.Christopher Columbus did not need directions, and neither do we.
15.If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
16.We are not mind readers and we never will be. Our lack of
mind-reading ability is not proof of how little we care about you.
17.If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like
nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
18.ALL men see in only 16 colors, like windows default settings. Peach,
for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea
what mauve is.
19.You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it
done,not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
20.Ask for what you want. Subtle hints don't work.

So,there u go,there are lots more but its just too vulgar 2 b posted here..haha

Lotsa things bout u..

Things that i hate about u :p

1.U oways make me misses u.. ;(
2.We nvr reli talk on the phone,we laugh insteaddd..
3.Caller ringtone ko cm sengal,slalu brenti tengah2 lpas 2 smbung blik.aku ingt ko da jwb.haha
4.Ko saje nak further study jauh2 kan?huhu
5.Ko ngan mama ko slalu nak kenekan aku..
6.Aku bagi ko 1 hour untk bsiap,tp ko ambik mase 1 jam stengah..pnat aku tnggu..hehe
7.Ko slalu xngaku ko syg aku tp aku tau...heheeeee
8.Ko slowpoke..wahahahaha
9.Kalo ko lapar,msti ko xbrenti2 bgtau ko lapar..
10.Ko kuat makan,kuat tido..haha

P/S :Asal ko da menghilangkan diri?aku xpham weiiii


This is what music teach me,huhu

A chord will make a song filled a whole lotsa better cuz it enriched the melody,

Strumming will make the chords sounds correct,only if the right strings is played,
Playing the right strings doesnt mean anything!,unless u have it properly tuned,
Drop-tune guitar doesnt mean anything if it is played for songs that is not written for it,

Tremolo bar is cool,but not many ppl know how to use it,
Ppl shud learn how 2 use it,not all licks or solo r meant to have a tremolo play,
Used at the wrong place,it made the song sounds from good to worse.
Learn what is simplicity,sumtime a simple structure of chords is enuf,

Electronic tuner is for people who doesnt have a good ear,
Once u use it for tuning,you will be happy on how accurate it could get,
W/out u realizing it,making u lose ur best possible asset as a musician,
Musician best asset is their ear,so,train it well,w/out a good ear,ur life is ruined,

In a band,the drummer is ur best friend,
Whenever u r lost,just listen 2 him playing,
It will guide u to get on the right track ,
Coz they r the 1 who set the beat tho, :)

Acoustic is the best thing in the world,
A proper knowledge n skill in acoustic playing is important,
Whenever u messed up while playing electric guitar,it is hard 2 spot ur mistake,
But when u r playing acoustic,u r "NAKED"

Bass is an essential part of a band,
W/out them,songs will sounds empty,
Many ppl thoughts it is not important cuz they nvr really heard the bass sound,
Only a bassist will know,ask them!

A drummer doesnt really stand out in a band,
Coz they usually is at the back while performing,
But when they "ROLL",evry1 is awed!,
N they r the heartbeat of the band,

A vocalist is the frontman,
Usually they r the best dressed n have the charisma,
They interact with the audience n so on,
Sadly,they r the 1 who always get the attention of the crowd..:)

Finally,a band should be free from drugs,
Coz drug is for loser!,
Just because hendrix,flea,noel&liam,anthony and kurt cobain is doing it,
It doesnt mean us who r influenced by them shud be doing it as well!

i JUZ dont KNOW why I wrote THIS.huhu
Oh yea,btw,guys,stay free from drugs aite!

The day after 2day?

k,so i got class at 8pm which is a stats class,n wat make it worse is dat we have tutorial for stats from 8-9 n what else if not it is the same class again at 11-12.She might as well combined the class n made it a 2 hour class..huhu but nemine la..

Thinking dat i hav class at 8,so i slept around 3am,i woke up at 7.20,kinda late tho.well,ac2ually i did woke up earlier than that but i jz snooze my alarm.

So here i go,drive to class from home at 7.40 n i reach campus around 8.10..I went into the class to my dismay (hahahaha) that the lecturer is not there yet..hehe

pick up a seat n the gal from the stats class sit bsides to me.(i dunno her full name tho but mohawk called her sas)..Hav a good nice lil chat wif her till 8.30 n the lecturer is not there yet(i enjoy talking 2 u k..hehe)..N i said 2 her we might as well text the lcturer asking bout she's coming or not n when she replied,we juz said we left the class ady..haha We insist on each other bout who gonna call the lecturer until d arab guy suddnly call her n found out dat she's on MC.

Crap,means my next class will be at 2.So,i went back.N oh yea btw,


For talking big n 2 much maybe..hehe

Today~(use aussie's accent)

Ok,today i went into accounts class,n i was kinda in a trance with the view infront of me..haha ask joyce..

then when im discussing sumting wif edmund,suddnly the lecturer shout at us,she tot we r talking craps or sumting.this is wat edmund tell her IM ASKING HIM SUMTING BOUT DIZ FOR GOD SAKE..haha the guy was damn funny tho.he even ask me whether i party or not..WTHECK.the best part is he w/out any feelings of guilty just walked away from the class 30mins b4 it ended cuz he got a rugby training.haha

so,beaver is like as overdressed as usual,with the blusher n dunno wat thing summore she put on n PLUS!she wore a dress.haha it looks funny tho..

im thinking 2 skip the english class afterwards at 6 o'clock,i did.BUT!as i happily eating at a shop at taman merdeka,i got a call from an unknown number,so i pick it up.The conversation is sumting like diz.

Caller:Hello MAZWAN(wtheck?)??wer r u now?this is madam aida(my english lecturer)
Me:Err,on my way 2 campus,i overslept at home,caught in a traffic jam ryte nw(with all the noise from mamak behind)..
Caller:Wat time is my class mazwan?7 o'clock is it?(sarcastically)Get over here now,wilfred is missing u alrdy.
Me:On my way ma'am..

So,there u go,my meal is disrupted,n i have 2 head back 2 campus when im halfway home ady..haha So i text wilfred saying i couldnt get there in time n i'll meet him after the class.Well,that guy is my partner for academic essay.N i've pushed the button..haha Sarah n joyce noes wats dat..hehe


How i wish i cud get my hand on this..huhu

Gosh,how much i love the colour..N the sound from it is juz too unique,i tink u cant get it from a strat..Surely would cost 3K+...Who need a tremolo when u have a les paul?haha


Ive seen james hetfield use the 2nd from the right les paul n hemmett use dat black 1,1st from the left in Rock In Rio..Cun gile!

Ibanez?aku kureng skit ngn ni..Tp aku rase tone dia cm raw..Best aku xbrape minat..huhu

Well,strat,whats more 2 say?da memg household name kot..Mane2 pegi mesti ade strat,sbb tone dia balanced kot..Aku rase la..Not an expert either..huhu The best part is playing with the tremolo,n u also looks stylish whilst playing the bar..haha Kne blaja rajin2 ni,nti bleh bli salah 1..huhu

The Dictionary..

Ok,aritu aku bce kt blog adik aku,dia tlis pasl dictionary dia dlm kehidupan seharian..haha,...So,ni dictionary aku plak..

Bapak dia sialll!!!
Bapak dia hitam lah sialll!!!
Macam hanjing je baruaaa..
Sial je pangai..
Ko nak mampos ek baruaaa?
Apesal babi??
Mak engkau,babi..
P***** mak kau lah siall..
Bodo2 je c gile ni..
Mcm sundal je sial nii..

OK,2 la bhase2 seharian aku..
Sehari kalo xckp cmtu rase cm xsihat je
Tp jgn risau,bg mane2 korg yg bkan org melaka,aku xkan sekasar gitu..haha



So ok,coming back from class 2day,i logged on 2 facebook..huhu

So,ternampak la Liyana nye status message..Its from a line from Dont Look Back In Anger by Oasis,the gretaest british band ever..huhu!Gosh,its made me remember bout our high school days wen we used to sit infront of our friends house n play to Oasis tunes..hehe

So,guess wat?it made me craving back for oasis songs..haha..
Downloaded 3 of my favourites alrdy..

Btw ,OASIS rawksssss!




21 years in my life so far

In 21 years,i've done

1.Was born?
2.Went 2 kindergarten?
3.Went 2 primary?
4.Went 2 secondary?
5.Totally fucked up my PMR..haha
6.But made up 4 it again during SPM..yeah!haha
7.Went for STPM
8.Have learnt that STPM is sucks as hell!
9.Talked to girls?heehe
10.Freakin score in my MUET..haha
11.Develop interest in footy.
12.Played guitar even when i was told i wont b able 2 play
13.Took up futsal as hobby even tho i was told i wont b able 2 play..haha
14.Lose 10 kg in 2months.haha
15.Get a P license.
16.Become a competent driver,..haha
17.Drift cars.
18.Cause a skid mark on the road.
19.Drive around with all four door opened.
20.Drive around with sum1 on the roof.
21.For sum reason,i sumtime watch AF.hehe u noe y
22.Smoke countless brand of cigarettes.
23.Develop a great deal of affection n love 2wards Winston.
24.Shared almost evryting wif friends,u name it!huhu
25.Taste of music evolved n bcame more universal..haha
28.C ppl doing drugs.
29.Talking to ppl who r stoned@high on drugs..haha they r a good listener n counsellor..haha!
30.Worked wif foreigners.
31.Cursed a japanese boss in malay..haha
32.Showed fist 2 my supervisor infront of my dad n threw the screwdriver infront of it!
33.Cheated my parents.
34.Been in a group of rempit..haha
35.Acted freakly in a public place.
36.Twisted bout wat i want 2 eat while ordering for food n made the fella pissed off.
37.Eat mcd,kfc n shakey's in 1day..haha
38.Eat a complete plate of meal full with chicken,potato,fish,veggie n ice blended choco for 2 bucks..hahaahaha!
39.Told sum1 directly dat his mum is an *******...haha malaccans,u noe us!
40.Disturb bapok at hang tuah mall//hahah

12 to 4?

Ok so it was like 2day started wif me being woken up by an alarming force,which is my mum ,hehe at so early in the morning..Wondered why?

Cuz my dad accidentally locked his car while the engine is running at his workplace.So,i need 2 go over there n give him the spare key..So,dengan muke poyo dan penuh kegelisahan dan kesangapan i drive there. Giv him the key,got back n continue my adventure on the bed..haha!

Then,woke up at 9.30,i was supposed 2 woke up at 8.30.I think i cant hear the alarm ringing dowh!hehe

Then send my sis 2 school ,head 2 campus after tat.

Stats class at 12 till 2.SHima dtg kelas dowh!haha
N mcm xsangke lak i was motivated by seeing her doing all the excercise n copying down notes,so,i did so as well.

Pas2 gap sejam,kul 3 bru kelas account..Dtg awl tp amik seat blakang skali kt CLC..haha
Idayu sound kteorg dok blakang,str8way moved to the front..
N when i move to the front,i saw a miracle..Rupe2nye bnyk awek2 cun PM07 & PM08 nih,..haha
Arini beaver x overdress plak mcm smlam,mati2 aku glakkan dia ,shima pun join skali..huhu
Felt a bit relieved cuz i got a group d for the assignment..Pas2 kul 5 da blik..Haha

Ok.aku da malas..haha :p


-My own birthday i guess?
-Last day of highschool
-The day i entered uni
-No idea..haha

-went to MP.
-Browsing thru books at MPH.
-Been driven around town

-Talking wif frens.
-Having a laugh n teasing friends..hehe sorry!
-Watch a freakin funny movie.
-Performing or watching a freak act in the public..hehe

-High school friends.
-Sum childhood friends whom i cant even remember their name.
-1 of My bestfriend

-Tickets for a match at OT,n of cuz,the flight ticket plus the package blablabla.
-A sunburst gibson les paul.
-A car?a nice 1..haha
-N sumting dat is memorable..haha

-Playing guitar.
-Football or futsal
-Smoking in the middle of the nite under the star..haha


-tea o' ice (sounds weird is it?)haha
-Soya bean

-Er,i tink diz ques is for ppl who bring handbags..haha
But i tink it will be:-
-Books!lotsa them!


-Friends house
-Sitting on a motorcycle :)


-My car
-My life
-Err,house door?haha Last line of defense from the house being robbed

Evry1 who feature on channel E.n yeah,CNN too.hahaa

Was forced in doing diz..haha

No idea..hehe