Holiday Mode

Yeah3 cuti lg..
Im happy for like a seconds a two when my paper finished on the 26th May 2009,,

I finally realized i haven't figure out what i'm gonna do for the holiday.But again!

The holiday
was like for 2+weeks so i cant do much about it.I wouldn't be happy also if the holiday is for 2 months like some of the government uni.It would be damn boring if i got a holiday but i cant find any part time job around to fill my time.N to get some money of course.

Well,previously i worked with my dad's friend company,as a


(stands for Management Information System)..So,basically i worked with foreign
,great experience though,but the job is dull~!10 hours of working infront of the PC n in the air-conditioner summore.Tiring,but i did it for the money i guess..haha n the experience of working with foreigners.

So,the company are developing a new MIS,so my job is to understand how the
MIS works and
write it in the form of a some kind of guidebook.

I miss the job though.(But i dont want to get my hands on the job again)..haha

Thats all for now..